Joomla 1.5 Template Gavick GK Quay 1.0.7 Nov 09It’s all about Good Vibrations!
This is the first step to build the strongest foundation between different people with unique and shared experiences. Attract values; promote activities and discussion at various levels, that’s all happening in the world and beyond it.
For the best and the worst, communication and respect will always be the way to insure the best relationship between you and the rest of the world. GavickPro gives you a little help, by offering to his community another top and professional template, where you can balance your space, full of positive energy and ambition.
So, keep in touch with Quay energy.
This time we used GK framework to build the template. What is this?GK Framework is the next stage development of possibilities offered by GavickPro templates. Its basic advantage is the rise of flexibility in relation with the solutions previously used. GK Framework offers huge amount of modules, creating in main configuration three – column arrangement in which, each of column may contain some additional ones.
From the administrative panel level it is possible for the user to specify the whole template and the particular columns width. There is a possibility to specify those columns width which needed and the rest is adjusted automatically. Thanks to the framework template mechanism use, it is allowed to restrict the number of modules displayed without the need of switching them off in Module Manager.
Advanced users in the central file responsible for the framework usage (GKTemplate.php) are able to specify details as follows:Styles used on particular modules positions (xhtml, raw, gkround, etc),
Margins, complements and the framing size for each of the main template’s blocks,
Switching on/off columns’ alignment in particular blocks,
Other innovative features:Main body position may be specified and saved in relation with the component content (they may occur interchangeably or together on the positions specified),
Possibility of specification the default font size on the site,
Possibility of choice of font family used in the template,
New message for users IE6 browser and older versions
An overview of the key features of this template are as follows:Tableless design and 100% css based.
3 color themes: Blue, Green/Purple, and Red.
Build support for JomSocial v.1.5 – Joomla! Social Network Component.
Build support for the new GK JomSocial Members module.
Build support for the new GK JomSocial Statistics module.
Build support for TabsManager GK3 component for tabs content display with exclusive build-in template design.
Build support for the News Show Pro GK1 module with exclusive build-in template design.
Disable option for mainbody appearance on front page.
Option for mainbody and component position display on template parameters.
Full template width customization, by setting template, right, left and inset blocks (GK framework - beta version).
Option for family and size font on template parameters.
New floating panel with social icons display.
Option of animated or fixed floating social icons panel.
Easy footer content configuration on template parameters.
Build support for WYSIWYG Friendly Typography editor plugin.
Compressed engine option for each modules.
Support for language translation.
3 layout options: 3 columns (left + component + right), 2 columns (left or right + component) and 1 column (component).
All 54 modules are fully collapsible and more than 20 module positions ready for tabs.
Impressive built-in content style.
Gavick Suckerfish menu version, with 2 built-in options - Suckerfish menu and Mootools. 34 different moomenu animation effects styles.
Speed menu animation option
Optional IE6 Warning / Upgrade Notification (new version of layout).
Lightweight, modern and very fast-loading design
Joomla 1.5 Native
W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
Delivered with Special 50% discount coupon to get JomSocial Component.
Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
*JomSocial 1.6 fixes and updates
*changing the way of loading Jomsocial theme: now you have the separated themes for the Jomsocial component
*fixed display of skeleton: both columns in IE browser
*fixed the search problem on home page
*fixed the $menuname variable error
*corrections in templateDetails.xml file
*corrections of overwritten com_content files
*correction of GK Typography plug in
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